
Sphinx searches better on your website


We are now ready to provide our clients with Sphinx search engine for large blogs, e-commerce and websites. Sphinx is a external intelligent search engine that gets integrated with your website.

Some of the Key Sphinx features are:

  • high indexing and searching performance;
  • advanced indexing and querying tools (flexible and feature-rich text tokenizer, querying language, several different ranking modes, etc);
  • advanced result set post-processing (SELECT with expressions, WHERE, ORDER BY, GROUP BY etc over text search results);
  • proven scalability up to billions of documents, terabytes of data, and thousands of queries per second;
  • easy integration with SQL and XML data sources, and SphinxAPI, SphinxQL, or SphinxSE search interfaces;
  • easy scaling with distributed searches.
  • You can read more here or contact us


Posted in: SEO

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