
Archive for E-commerce

Swish Företag


In June of 2014, it was announced that the popular service to transfer money in real time from bank to bank in Sweden called Swish, will also be available to pay Company accounts. This service has been growing very fast because of its simplicity since the beginning of 2012. There was no charge for the service before, but now there is a cost of €0.10 (1.oo SEK) for each transaction.

Swish is a smartphone app and once downloaded and activated you can transfer money in real time, any time and day of the year, to another person connected to Swish. Just open the application and select the person you wish to transfer money to, from your smartphone contact list.

We expect a boom for e-shops to also use this service, as it is now available for Companies to have a Swish account. And as for the service, it will be much cheaper than any other payment method on the market.

We on ScanCyp have already started development of payment gateways for the most popular e-commerce platforms.

Posted in: E-commerce, Payment Gateways

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